Event Starts: | Thursday, May 18th, 2023 at 14:30:00 | PDT |
Event Ends: | Thursday, June 1st, 2023 at 14:30:00 | PDT |
Attention, commanders! Something is terribly wrong...according to Rubi, the long-dormant Vajra has cunningly severed the lines of communication. While in hiding, their command has adopted a new tactic: train vicious, highly autonomous cells to wreak havoc upon the communications and supply lines of all enemy forces within strategically relevant zones. Though they will not directly benefit from the indiscriminate carnage they sow, the Vajras know that skilled generals and opportunists alike will see this as an opportunity to seize more power. Once the dust has settled they know that chaos itself will be the true victor-- and for them, that is enough.
NEW! The Vajra have caused complete chaos. Battle to keep occupation of your control points as the secured phase has been removed for 14 days. Just like the War Campaign, earn occupation points for every hour your alliance controls your zone area.
NEW! Re-entry timers now start at 10 minutes after you've been kicked during a war.
Important: a failed CP war makes the loser unable to attack that CP for 3 days. All other CP rules remain the same. The only change is that the secured phase has been removed.
Important: The Warlord Status will be unaffected by the outcome of this event.
Additional Minor Changes
Minimum Alliance Age: 3 days changed to 1 hour
Minimum Alliance Member Age: 3 days changed to 1 hour
Minimum Alliance size: 10 changed to 5 members
Number CP Attacks to Start a War: 35 changed to 25
Re-entry timer after defeat: 2min, 4min, 6min, 8min, 10min, 12min,..., etc. after each defeat changed to 10min, 12min, 14min, 16min, 18min, ..., etc. after each defeat.
Failed Control Point War Attack: 7 days changed to 3 days
Failed Control Point Defense: 7 days changed to 3 days
NEW! Limited time increase in occupation points per hour! Occupation Points now match the oil buff percentage! That's 10x occupation points in some control points! i.e., the 135% oil buff CP now earns 135 OP per hour instead of 89.
1 Gold awarded per Occupation Point earned
Minimum Threshold: 13,824 Occupation Points are needed to qualify for a prize. Alliances that earn less than this amount will not receive any prizes.
Disqualification. Final prizes are at the discretion of the game team. If the game team has reasonable evidence that an alliance is conducting fake wars to constantly lock their control point, the game team reserves the right to disqualify this alliance from this contest and the next War Campaign contest. If a disqualified alliance is the current Warlord title holder. The title of Warlord will be immediately removed.