Many of our offers come with random rolled items that are determined at the time of purchase; it usually looks similar to this:
This does not mean that you will receive 3 of each item shown in the picture. If that was intended it would only say "3". Instead, this indicates you can receive anywhere between 0 and 3 of the item, with 0 being a possible option.
Furthermore, the number on the right, in this case 3, refers to the max number that type of itemwill be received. So in the example offer, you will get a total of 3 Strikes based on all the options ending in the number 3, and that it could be any combination of the strikes shown.
We display offers like this to give you an idea of all the possible options you could earn, but unless the item is called out by its specific name with a single number, it is not guaranteed to give you exactly that amount of that item.