Once you are a part of an alliance of at least 25 players you can now participate in contestable zones, and control points (also referred to as CPs)!
Contestable Zones
Contestable Zones are sections of the world map containing Control Points. While all areas of the map contain Outposts and Strongholds, not only Contestable Zones will contain a Control Points.
Control Points
Control Points when claimed can provide your alliance with varying levels of oil and thorium boosts, depending on the CP level. To claim a Control Point there are several steps.
Attacking Control Points
If there is a Contestable Zone area that your alliance would like to take over the first thing your alliance needs to do is defeat the control point itself. This is an NPC base within the Contestable Zone which needs to be defeated in order to move onto the next phase.
CP in Occupied state by another alliance.
CP in occupied state by your alliance.
The next phase of CP war will place it Under Attack. When this happens, the alliance will need to defeat the CP a number of times, which varies based on the level of the CP, to move onto the next phase. There is also a time limit to get the necessary number of wins and move on to the next phase
The third phase of CP battles places the zone into the War Phase. At this point the alliances have opposing objectives:
The Defending Alliance: Needs to remove all attacking alliance members from the Contestable Zone.
The Attacking Alliance: Needs to have at least 1 alliance member’s base in the Contestable Zone. at the end of the War Phase.
During this phase, and the next, no other players can attack the bases of the two alliance's at war in the Contestable Zone, basically locking the two alliance's in a "cage match". When a base is defeated in this phase it is "shifted" out of the zone and unable to move back in until either the war is over, or the CP moves into Sudden Death phase. If all Attacking Alliance members are defeated and moved, then the Defending Alliance wins! Congratulations, the CP and its boosts are now yours to keep!
Sudden Death
Sudden Death is triggered when there are still members of the Attacking Alliance in the Contestable Zone at the end of the war phase. This is the last chance the Defending Alliance has to shift all attacking bases out of the Contestable Zone to keep it. When you are shifted out in this phase you there will be no other opportunities to get back in; once you are out you are out. If any Attacking bases are left in the Contestable Zone then their alliance wins the CP.
The final stage of CP wars is the Secured Phase. During this time no alliance can attack your CP and try to take the Contestable Zone from you; rest easy and get ready for the next battle!