Every week at 11:59 PM PDT/PST on Wednesdays the Alliance Store "resets"; this restocks any items you had purchased in the previous week, but also results in the following:
- Players Alliance Credits are set to 0
- make sure you spend whatever you can before the reset hits each week!
- Player's will lose some Prestige based on the highest store tier they COULD unlock with their current total.
- NOTE: This is not the highest tier you have unlocked, but COULD unlock if you had the correct Tech Tree research completed. The amount you lose based on the highest tier you could unlock is found below:
Tier 1: 0 prestige
Tier 2: 25 prestige
Tier 3: 100 prestige
Tier 4: 150 prestige
You can also see how much Prestige you will lose in the next reset at any time by clicking on the info button found on the timer in the Alliance store