Occasionally some items or graphics may appear to go missing, especially when a player is using a weaker connection. While this can be concerning, it’s rather easy to correct as it's likely just a graphical error. Some of the ways to recognize that you are experiencing a graphical error are:
- Built units do not appear or go missing
- Buildings seem to disappear from your base
- Units that were previously in your army are no longer there
- Certain graphical elements such as the HUD or buttons go missing
To correct this players should start with closing all apps, including the Rogue Assault, and reopen it. If that doesn't solve the issue, then the next step is to uninstall and reinstall the game to flush your visual cache. Note this should not affect your game progress, or account, though if you haven't already it's always a good idea to back up your base with a recovery method in your settings prior to doing this. Once the game is reinstalled you will see the missing items reappear.